Hello everyone,
My name is Johnny Suon, I am 14 years old I live in North America (CA) here's a List About me -.-(Dam i have to put it again T.T)
2.Azn Dreamers(Love)
3.Inital D(Rave)
4.Yiruma(A Guy(Piano))
5.Simple Plan(Rock)
6.Linkin Park(Rock/Emo)
7.Utada Hikaru(Kingdom Hearts)~(???)
8.B Boy music(Yes I'm a Breaker)
8.(More but I'm not telling)
1.Rock/Emo(haha shut up
2.J Rock(Jap music)
3.Rave(All Azn people have to know it -.-)
4.Love(I'm not gay its just songs)
5.Tecno(w.e how u spell it)~(Rave music)
6.(Ha I know u want to hear more NO
1.Pizza(get tired of it eatting it everyday at school)
2.Azn food(so dam good)~(mom makes it)
3.Noodles(Worms D:)~(haha jes playing)
4.Soda?!?!(is that a food?)
5.(I dont eat much so I wont put more
1.RPG(You know its the best)
2.PVP(Player V.S. Player)~(Pwn them)
3.Computer(Online games)~(Mini Games-Show how good you
are)~(also i like to program too)
4.Systems(PS3, PS2, Super Nentendo, Computer, Dreamcast,
Nentendo 64)~(Mario?!?! WTH is dat a system
5.(Other stuff I have more games)
(Things I like)
1.Sleeping(Who Dosn't???)
2.Helping my parents(most teens or kids
Don't care about their parents)
3.Games(I'm not a GEEK
4.WTH(Why am i typing this again???)
5.TV.(LOL nothing to watch xD)
6.(haha being EMO JKJK LOL im done)
(Things I Dislike)
1.School(Why do we wanna learn???)
2.Eatting(food....looks good taste bad X_x)
3.My brothers(brotherly L.O.V.E)~(hell no)
4.Spelling(LOL I sucka** in spelling
5.Networking(Takes too long to program)
6.GM's(haha just playing haha)
7. ...(LOL i have many more, but NTY
(Anime FTW)
1.Gundam(Wing, seed)
3.Bleach(SO F***** TIGHT)
4.MORE NO....(
) Dont get ur hopes up
More At the bottom
Yea this is mostly about me but im too lazy to put more stuff so here are some stuff like ETC.
I have 3 brothers that plays MS 2 sisters that has job and moved away. Haha Anime rocks xD
Cya later
From Johnny S. Happy Mapleing <33333333333